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Moms and partners deserve to have as much information in their toolbox as possible.


It's only with knowledge that we make the best decisions for our children and ourselves.


Here you'll find a collection of useful information for your birth. Whether you use our services or not, we want you to have all the tools necessary to have the birth of your dreams!

Research Papers + Evidence Based Practices

A great, concise video on how to prepare for a natural birth, should you choose one. Lots of love and recognition to the Doula community in this video!

Natural Breastfeeding positions--that work! The main three hospital-taught positions sometimes work best for older babies and not newborns. Try these when you're just starting out along with the positions taught by your hospital staff and see which ones are most comfortable for you and baby. Brought to us by the phenomenal Dr. Nancy Mohrbacher via

Penny discusses one of her favorite topics in labor which she refers to as "the 3 R's: Relaxation, Rhythm and Ritual." You can now download Penny's classic childbirth education film of the same name at to see lovely examples of the 3 R's in a series of live births.

For those planning an epidural in labor, Penny outlines the options that exist within that choice. She discusses the accumulation of side effects with time and the option of waiting a bit longer for an epidural as well as considering a lighter versus a more dense block. She also encourages being prepared with some basic non-pharmacologic pain relief techniques to use until it's time for the epidural. This video should be just a starting point for your own research; most hospitals offer a class on epidural pro's and con's.

Penny Simkin illustrates why Delayed Cord Clamping is A MUST DO.

Penny Simkin is the reason we have doulas in the US the way we do. She is a tremendous advocate for the safety and empowerment of birthing women. Here she gives a quick 4 minute illustration of WHY delayed cord clamping is an absolute must and confirms that research shows it Cannot cause Jaundice (which is what some doctors will claim in order to punch their time card quicker--even if it means harming your baby).

Delayed Cord Clamping--Vital and Powerful!

Just one of the many articles spreading the latest research findings. Delayed Cord Clamping is a tremendously important and helpful thing we can do to ensure our babies get the most out of our incredible bodies. You'll find different opinions of DCC at different birthing centers and with different care providers. Do some research on this process and find a care provider that aligns with your desires.

Formula Feeding: Buy the GOOD stuff

If you're going to formula feed or supplement feed (don't worry-you'll get no judgement from us!) then do some research on the difference of quality between American and European formulas. They really are WORLDS apart! European formulas are Organic, filled with only natural vitamins and minerals and offer cow's milk or goat's milk (goat's milk is the closest to human milk in composition--besides camel's milk). In Germany specifically, the cows and goats used for formula are Demeter, only. That means that they graze only on specific hillsides where the grass and wildflowers are organic and watered with natural spring water; it also means that the animals are treated with the utmost respect, no branding, dehorning, no steroids or antibiotics. They genuinely believe that the animals producing for our children should be the healthiest and happiest of all livestock...and it does make a difference according to the purity and quality research that's been done. There are lots of American companies that purchase Euro formula direct from the companies and sell it here, so shipping is quick and usually free! I've personally used: Formuland (located in CA) and OrganicStart (located in NY)  and can attest to the quality and shipping speed (2-3 days depending on which side of the country I was on and who I ordered from) but there are other companies as well, so choose one that makes sense to you. If you're going to formula feed, give your baby the best. US based formulas like Enfamil, Earth's Best, Similac and others use GMO ingredients, high fructose corn syrup, soy and more which causes endocrine issues, tummy issues and more. Even the "organic" formula.

Free Car Seat Inspections

Safe Kids DC offers free safety inspections for parents. Visit this site for up to date locations and dates

DC Area Resources

Here you'll find a consolidated list of resources for birth from funding to programs to organizations all around the DC area. Provided by the state website.

Birth Centers/Home Birth/Water Birth Resources

Thanks to Birth Options Alliance here you'll find a link to their page with resources for birth centers, home births, water births and hospitals that allow these.

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